A downloadable game for Windows

Asteroid Arena. 

How it works: gravity will draw asteroids towards you. Once they get close enough, they become unstable. If any asteroid hits you or an unstable asteroid, it will break in half. Asteroid on asteroid collisions will earn you progress; if you get hit instead, you lose a life and gain temporary immunity (green glow). Once it wears off (back to blue glow), you are again vulnerable to asteroid collisions taking your lives. Once you hit zero lives or your progress reaches 100%, it's game over and you get to see if you are on the scoreboard.

Controls: WASD to move about, and hold the left mouse button to use gravity.

Developed as a 4-person assignment for a unit I took second year, first semester of my game development course. We had to take the idea of one classic game (breakout, pong, or asteroids; I think there was also pac man, but I can't remember) and add our own twist to it. Ours was that instead of shooting the asteroids, you'd use gravity to swing them around you and make them collide.

Programming: Sam Huffer (me), Aaron Petrovski, and James Taylor.

Art assets: Natalie Soubalov.

All of the music was available online, and was used for educational purposes only.


Asteroid Arena.zip 74 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip, and run "Asteroid Arena.exe".

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